What is Garcinia Cambogia: The Secret

Found mostly in the Southeast Asian as well as in the western and central African regions, the Gambooge or the Garcinia Cambogia is a small fruit that has been associated with weight loss. Thriving mostly in moist forests, this yellowish oval fruit resembles that of a miniature pumpkin and belongs to the same family as the mangosteen.

Before the fruit was made popular in the western world, regions such as in South India have been using it as a part of their cooking. Curries and other traditional recipes were often added with the Garcinia fruit, using its extract and rind as condiment. The addition of the Gambooge fruit is said to make meals more “filling”. Aside from this, the fruit has also been used for its antibacterial qualities as well as for its said effectiveness in activating digestion, which is mainly attributed to its sour flavor.

Why is it so popular?

According to the experts, the use of the extracts coming from the rind of the Garcinia Cambogia fruit is said to bring about many benefits that are helpful to those who would like to lose weight. Its HCA extract is said to be the one responsible for bringing about suppressed appetite, which can be backed by the fact that it has been used by many native cultures, over the years, as an addition to their soup in order to make them “feel full” right away.

Further research have also shown that the Garcinia Cambogia fruit may have a potential ability in terms of burning fat, making it an even more effective ingredient in weight loss supplements.

Garcinia Cambogia and Weight Loss

Are the claims to the effectiveness of the Garcinia Cambogia fruit as an aid to weight loss real? Many studies have claimed that the fruit is, in fact, a potent ingredient that can help one lose the unwanted fats in their body. This is mainly due to the following reasons:

1)    Garcinia Cambogia as an appetite suppressant
The extract coming from this pumpkin-like plant is responsible for naturally increasing serotonin levels in the body. In layman’s terms, the increase in serotonin in the human body would mean a decrease in appetite. As such, the consumption of garcinia cambogia extracts in the body can help one eat lesser each day, prevent one from storing fats any further and thus help burn off the excess fats that are already stored, when the body needs more energy.
2)    Garcinia Cambogia as a fat burning aid
How does the extracts of a fruit rind help one burn more fats from their bodies? The logic behind it is quite simple. The hydroxycitric acid (HCA) is taken from the Garcinia Cambogia fruit rind and then taken into the body. Research have shown that HCA can actually inhibit an enzyme called the citrate lyase, which is the one responsible for instructing the body to create fats out of the excess carbohydrates that are being taken in.

When these enzymes found in the body are prevented from doing their normal job, then the body gets a signal to go for carbohydrate oxidation instead. Simply put, the body is prevented from converting the carbohydrates into fats that get stored in unwanted areas of the body, but instead converts them into energy that the body could use up.

The effects of taking in HCA go into a cycle: as the body is prevented from turning the excess carbohydrates into fats, an increase in the glycogen levels in the liver could be observed. With this, a message is sent to the brain making it think that it is “already full” thus reducing one’s appetite.

The Proof: Real Clinical Study Results

A study, published through the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), was done to prove the efficacy of using the fruit rind extracts from the Garcinia Cambogia for weight loss. The study involved overweight men and women whose body mass indices were approximately around 32 kg/m2. Over a twelve-week period, the subjects of the study were randomized to receive 1500 mg of hydroxycitric acid, which came from the Garcinia Cambogia extracts, each day while the others received a placebo. Aside from this, each of them was also advised to take on a high-fiber, low-energy diet. Out of the 135 subjects that initially started out, 42 of the patients from the HCA group and 42 from the placebo group were able to complete the study.

The studies were able to reveal that there was a significant amount of weight loss in patients coming from both groups. However, weight loss and fat mass loss differences between the two groups were not able to show significant results. Some experts believed though that the high-fiber diet being used in the study was a factor since it was likely to have interfered with the body’s ability to absorb HCA. This is yet to be proven though since the study did not involve finding out whether or not the hydroxycitric acid could be found in the cells where it becomes active.

How Much Garcinia Cambogia to Take

Experts suggest the proper dosage for weight loss when taking a supplement that has at least 50% of hydroxycitric acid is 500mg, 30 minutes before every meal should help one reap the full fat loss benefits that can come from the fruit.

The full benefits of the Garcinia Cambogia extract may also take a while to become visible, according to the manufacturers. Aside from the weight loss supplement, a healthy diet and regular exercise should also be maintained if one would like to attain their maximum weight loss potential.

Just like any other food, the Garcinia Cambogia must be taken in moderation and should not exceed 3000 milligrams of hydroxycitric acid each day as it may result to liver damage. Taking in this fat loss supplement is also not recommended for women who are nursing or are pregnant.

Side Effects

So far, there have been no known adverse effects when the extracts of the Garcinia Cambogia were taken into the body as a weight loss supplement. Since it is believed that hydroxycitric acid could form acetylcholine in the brain, it is not advisable to be taken in, in any amount, for those with Alzheimer’s disease or suffering from other forms of dementia. Diabetics are also warned about taking in Garcinia Cambogia extract since the hydroxycitric acid in it has a tendency of lowering one’s blood sugar. As such, healthy individuals can benefit from it since it could help suppress one’s cravings for sweets and other foods with carbohydrates.

Where to Buy Garcinia Cambogia in Canada

If you have been trying in vain to lose all your unwanted fats – but to no avail – then this is your chance to safely and effectively bid them goodbye. Many people have tried and tested the effectiveness of using the Garcinia Cambogia extract as a weight loss supplement – now is your time to give it a try!

Getting your very own Garcinia Cambogia weight loss supplement in Canada is easy and hassle-free. Just click on this link and follow the simple steps on placing your order. Once you have received your fat loss supplements, you should be able to start on your new regimen, accompanied with a healthy diet and regular exercise, so you could say hello to a sexier, leaner and healthier you!


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